Flag Poland Poland

Individual eHealth Strategies Country Report (2010), further information, and eHealth ERA Report (2007)

Individual eHealth Strategies Country Report (2010)

Country Brief Poland. eHealth Strategies Report October 2010
Language: English. (pdf-file)

Further information:

  • Agencja Oceny Technologii Medycznych and [Medical Technologies Assessment Agency]. "O nas." Retrieved 12/05/2010,
    from http://www.aotm.gov.pl.
    Language: Polish. (website)
  • Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer and University Development (CITTRU). "About us." Retrieved 12/05/2010,
    from http://www.cittru.uj.edu.pl.
    Language: English. (website)
  • Centrum Systemów Informacyjnych Ochrony Zdrowia and C. o. I. S. i. Healthcare]. "O Centrum." Retrieved 12/05/2010,
    from http://www.csioz.gov.pl.
    Language: Polish. (website)
  • Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych i Administracji and [Ministry of Interior and Administration] (2008) Strategia rozwoju spoleczenstwa informacyjnego w Polsce do roku 2013.
    (12/05/2010). Language: English. (pdf file)
  • Wlodarczyk, W. C. (2008) The National Institute of Public Health. Health Policy Monitor.
    (12/05/2010). Language: English. (website)

eHealth ERA report Poland. January 2007.
Language: English. (pdf-file)

Further information: