Flag Sweden Sweden

Individual eHealth Strategies Country Report (2010), further information, and eHealth ERA Report (2007)

Individual eHealth Strategies Country Report (2010)

Country Brief Sweden. eHealth Strategies Report October 2010
Language: English. (pdf-file)

Further information:

  • Anell, A. (2008) The Swedish Health Care System. Lund, Institute of Economic Research, School of Economics and Management, Lund University.
    Sweden_Country_Profile_2008 pdf.pdf
    (20/01/2010). Language: English. (pdf file)
  • Center för eHälsa i samverkan [Centre for eHealth]. (2010). "Coordinated development for safer, more effective health and social care " Retrieved 18/06/2010,
    from http://www.cehis.se.
    Language: English. (website)
  • Hansson E. and McKenna S. (2009) Five strategies for improving primary care.
    Language: English. (pdf file)
  • Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, et al. (2009) Status Report, Swedish Strategy for eHealth - Safe and accessible information in health and social care. Stockholm.
    (19/01/2010). Language: Swedish. (website)

Further information: